sábado, 23 de julio de 2011

CR Land Guanganmen Green Technology Showroom

CR Land Guanganmen Green Technology Showroom
Design Concept:
The project is a “temporary” Green Technology Showroom of 3-year use for one of CR Land’s (华润置地) residential projects in Beijing. The idea is to develop the concept of “Temporary” from a meaningful perspective, to design a piece of floating “installation” in the garden, which could be built, demolished, and recycled through an easy and straightforward way with the least impact to the planned site.
Sustainable Features:
Site Selection
We are involved into the project at early stage when client tried to specify the building footprint within the residential compound. The location was finalized at the central lawn, where we believe in that:
1. the minimal impact of the designed landscape construction
2. the minimal impact of planned pedestrian circulation
3. Easy Demolition and Site recovery after use

Greenfield Living

Greenfield Living
GREENFIELD LIVING •Innovative Architectural solutions are the primary Philosophy of the design. That includes; building orientation, massing, window location, shading, insulation arrangement and air tightness. If these are not properly optimized, no amount of sustainable materials nor mechanical engineering can make the building a “ true low-energy` building.

Goods Shed North

Goods Shed North
The refurbishment of the Goods Shed North, in Docklands, a heritage listed railway goods shed, presented an incredible opportunity to renew an integral part of Melbourne Australia's history. One of the few heritage buildings left in Docklands, the Goods Shed was originally built in 1889 at the centre of the Melbourne Goods Yards. It was derelict for over 30 years and became redundant in the 1980’s, later being bisected by the Collins Street extension which created the North and South side. The Good Shed North’s transformation into a vibrant workplace shows what is possible when adaptive reuse of building stock is undertaken with a clear vision and a shared goal.

Engineered Biotopes in Piraeus Tower

Engineered Biotopes in Piraeus Tower

The program of the facade varies through its vertical expression. On the outside of the first two floors, the plant nursery consists of a grid of glass tubes used to nurture seedlings.  From a distance these appear as a shimmering form, reflecting light onto the street provoking the attention of the passerby.

Floors 3-22 consist of small biotopes that produce low vegetation for the workers and visitors inside the building. This system consists of a robotic crane and specially designed modules where plants are grown. The crane is connected to a computer, which re-positions the modules based on the weather conditions, sun light and water consumption. If a crop is receiving too much sunlight, the module is moved to the shade either horizontally or vertically until finding the required position.

Camouflage House

Camouflage House

The Camouflage House sits on a steep lake bluff, its narrow, linear volume nestled into the hillside. Approaching the house from the rugged access road weaving through the site’s heavily wooded plateau, the building’s faint, low-slung silhouette virtually disappears in the surrounding vegetation. With its simple plan, restraint use of materials, and precise detailing, the house achieves an elegant clarity and a rustic warmth that nevertheless avoids bucolic sentimentality.

Cahill Center

Cahill Center
The California Institute of Technology (Caltech) scientists who study the outer reaches of space got some space of their own with the official opening of the Cahill Center for Astronomy and Astrophysics.

The building is both highly functional and visually impressive. Everything about this building has that thought-through feel; from its address (1216, in angstroms, is the wavelength of ultraviolet light emitted by hydrogen atoms) to the view from the lobby up an ever-narrowing staircase to the skylight on the third floor (which mimics the experience of peering up through a telescope) to the cut-through hallways on each floor (which connect Caltech's north and south campuses and serve to orient the building's occupants).

Kunsthaus Graz

Kunsthaus Graz
       The Kunsthaus Graz opened its doors in 2003, the architectural pièce de résistance of Graz’s year as European Capital of Culture. The biomorphous building designed by Peter Cook and Colin Fournier—known locally as the Friendly Alien—has since become an attraction for art lovers and the culturally minded from all over the world. But it has also become an essential landmark in the urban identity of the city of Graz. As an exhibition centre for contemporary art, the Kunsthaus exhibits Austrian and international art from 1960 onwards. Its BIX media façade—designed by Berlin designers realities:united—constitutes a unique fusion of architecture and media technology. Effectively a large screen in the middle of the city, it acts as an instrument of art communication.

Didden Village

Didden Village
   The first realization in MVRDV’s hometown Rotterdam is a rooftop house extension. On top of an existing monumental house and atelier, the bedrooms are positioned as separate houses, optimizing the privacy of every member of the family. The houses are distributed in such a way that a series of plazas, streets and alleys appear as a mini-village on top of the building. Parapet walls with windows surround the new village. Trees, tables, open-air showers and benches are added, optimizing the rooftop life. By finishing all elements with a blue poly-urethane coating a new “heaven” appears. It creates a crown on top of the monument. The addition can be seen as a prototype for a further densification of the old and existing city. It adds a roof life to the city. It explores the costs for the beams, infrastructure, and extra finishes, and it ultimately aims to be lower than the equivalent ground price.

10 mitos del social media marketing que deberías conocer

El mundo de los medios de comunicación social, puede ser un lugar enorme para los comerciantes, empresarios y gerentes de negocios, que se han dado cuenta que ya no son una opción cuando se trata de competir, sino que, por necesidad y su gran absorción, se han convertido en otro campo de batalla.

Antes de usar cualquiera de las “guías” que existen sobre social media, debemos preguntarnos si hemos caído en alguno de los 10 mitos de social media marketing.

Las siete claves para gestionar tu tiempo

              La gestión del tiempo es en realidad una gestión de la vida, la gestión personal y la gestión de uno mismo. La gestión del tiempo es un tema que siempre me ha interesado muchísimo y sobre todo cuando tomé conciencia de que el tiempo es irrecuperable e irremplazable.
             Cuando empiezas a gestionar tu tiempo y tu vida con más cuidado, empiezas a dar más valor a ti  mismo y a tu vida. Cuanto mejor gestionas tu tiempo, más te gustas y te respetas. Y cuanto más te gustas y te respetas, mejor gestionas tu tiempo. Cada aspecto refuerza al otro.
             La gente que se valora mucho, distribuye cuidadosamente su tiempo. Si amas tu vida, amas cada minuto de ella y te cuidas mucho de malgastar cualquiera de los preciosos minutos y horas de cada día.

miércoles, 13 de julio de 2011

jueves, 7 de julio de 2011

¿Por qué es importante la energía solar?

Si bien la mayor parte del suministro de electricidad del mundo actual se genera a partir de combustibles fósiles como el carbón, el petróleo y el gas natural, estas fuentes de energía tradicionales se enfrentan a varios desafíos: aumento de precios, la dependencia de las importaciones procedentes de un número limitado de países, y el factor medioambiental.
Como resultado de estos y otros desafíos, los gobiernos, las empresas y los consumidores están apoyando cada vez más el desarrollo de fuentes alternativas de energía y nuevas tecnologías para la generación de electricidad. Las fuentes renovables de energía tales como la generación de energía solar, biomasa, geotérmica, hidroeléctrica y eólica han surgido como potenciales alternativas a estas preocupaciones.

"US$1 en aislación es más rentable que US$1 en un techo verde"

El arquitecto e ingeniero chileno Diego Ibarra es, por decirlo de alguna manera, “seco” en certificación LEED®. En esta entrevista explica cómo opera el mercado de la sustentabilidad para hogares en EE.UU. Y habla de las posibilidades que tiene Chile para fomentar la eficiencia energética. 
